Join the 4-week live course!
Begins Monday, February 8th

Do you feel like your relationship is stagnant or lost its spark? Maybe you feel like you argue more, don't communicate, or don’t have anything in common. We experience these thoughts and feelings and hear this often from our clients. Too many couples are focusing on what is wrong rather than what is right. This course will break down the blocks, help you find clarity, communicate, and have fun! 

IMPORTANT: You do NOT need to be in a relationship to take this course. This course is a great foundational course to help you connect with yourself and learn what you want in a significant other and help you get what you desire.

Join us in this course to focus on being you in your relationship and bringing out the best in each other!

This course is for you if:

  • Your relationship has become stagnant and routine
  • You feel like you don't have anything in common
  • You feel like you don't have time to do anything
  • You feel more like roommates
  • You get along but have lost the spark
  • You don't communicate well
  • You aren't as intimate or lack sex drive

What you will learn:

  • Where you are falling short when it comes to loving yourself
  • What you truly desire in a relationship and how to get it
  • Tips and tools to improve communication 
  • The science behind love and how to make it work for you
  • How to get the right love chemicals into your life
  • Why you struggle in certain areas of your relationship and what to do about it
  • Understand blocks with intimacy and sex and how to have a healthy sex life
  • How to bring fun and adventure into the relationship anytime
  • Ideas for dating your spouse with our Date Your Mate series - 12 free bonus lessons and date ideas


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